Life’s Little Moments

I am typing with one hand today after having experienced one of Life’s Little Moments yesterday. My left arm is in a sling.


We were leaving the home of some new friends last night and silly me slipped on the muddy ground outside. Funny how everything seems to move in slo-mo at times like that, I remember thinking, as I was on my way to a very ungraceful face plant, that this couldn’t possibly be happening. But it did and I landed on my shoulder, bruising it quite badly. Also got a skinned knee and scraped up hand. Thank God for friends and family who picked me up and prayed for me right then and there!

Needless to say, I didn’t sleep much last night. I think the Lazy Boy in the family room will be my friend today.

And I won’t be writing.

But reading . . . now there’s an idea.


Filed under Life, Writing

10 responses to “Life’s Little Moments

  1. Oh no! I hope your arm gets better soon.
    I just stumbled across your blog; it looks fun!

  2. Rebecca

    OMGoodness my friend! That is awful! I’m so sorry you had that happen to you. I’ll be praying for you for sure & believing for a quick recovery. πŸ™‚ chat soon… πŸ™‚

  3. I’m so sorry to hear about your spill, Wendy.
    I know exactly what you mean about the nanosecond when you feel yourself falling, and you’re powerless to stop it. It’s happened to me several times, and, during that nanosecond, it flashes in your mind that you hope you land all right and don’t do any damage.
    Hope I don’t go through that again any time soon.
    Take good care of yourself. I hope your arm, and anywhere else you hurt, is better very soon.

  4. Ouch! Rest up and get better. I love reading your blog.
    God bless!

  5. Sounds painful. It’s these split seconds that can change lives.
    Turn it to a positive. Become an expert one handed typer.
    Hope its feeling better.

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